To provide increased power and durability, we put our blue water blanks through the TiCr coating process twice. The top-quality components include up locking reel seats, Flor grade cork, a full wells grip with a fore grip and a unique blue granite finish. The Baby and Light Duty rods utilize snake and titanium oxide stripping guides. Our Medium Duty and battlewagon Heavy Duty rods have aluminum oxide inserts on all guides including tip tops. Both of these rods now feature a continuous composite cork handle for greater comfort and durability. For 2013, the Heavy Duty is now a 4-piece rod utilizing a revolutionary new reverse-ferrule design. In big game fishing where second-rate gear is quickly relegated to the junk pile, it’s all-important to equip yourself with the right stuff. Get into the contest with rods that truly live up to their name: TFO’s Bluewater series.